Tuesday, September 09, 2008

My Pop

My pop and I were just talking about wii, when I asked him why he haven't been playing the new driving game that my brother bought recently. And he replied,

"Aiya, game 这种东西,玩一下子就不好玩了。跟电脑打,没有那个刺激性。”

Woah, I didn't know my pop can speak chinese like that.还“刺激性”喔。

okay, you guys must think I'm exaggerating, but mind you, my pop studied in an English stream school, speaks teochew at home from young, and can't read a single word of chinese until he was 40.

Maybe chatting with the china bar-girls at the kopitiam everyday does have its pros.


SenGedoX the SageDogX said...

HAHAHAHAHA!!!! Funny leh.

“Aiyah 大哥~买酒啦~“
”。。。 。。。“ (goes to find another uncle)

Lame story. hahaha.


LOL. I dunno if my pop behaved that way, but he sure gts along well with the 'girls'.