Friday, November 23, 2007


so here we go. the few simple rules are..
1. Put your music player on shuffle.
2. Press forward for each question.
3. Use the song title as the answer to each question.

1. How am I feeling today?
Shuffle says: (Star)- Hateful but good. (200 Pounds Beauty)
Comment: 又爱有恨,ya precisely.

2. Where will I get married?
Shuffle says: When I am seventeen.
Comment: LOL. Now you guys know. ^^

3. What is my best friend's theme song?
Shuffle says: Beautiful Love.
Comment: Hmm, so are you ppl looking for love? :)

4. What was high school like?
Shuffle says: 原点
Comment: 我兜了很大的圈圈吗?

5. What is the best thing about me?
Shuffle says: 私奔到月球
Comment: Hmm.. 其实你是个心狠又手辣的小偷? *奸笑*

6. How is today going to be?
Shuffle says: 喜欢你
Comment: what?

7. What is in store for this weekend?
Shuffle says: 告诉我
Comment: Ya. 告诉我。为什么还不告诉我?!

8. What song describes my parents?
Shuffle says: 假装
Comment: Yaaaa.....

9. How is my life going?
Shuffle says: Beautiful Seed
Comment: You can be a witness, you can be a prophet, you can make the whole world believe.. :)

10. What song will they play at my funeral?
Shuffle says: 花园
Comment: 好好听的歌。:)

11. How does the world see me?
Shuffle says: Five loaves and two fishes
Comment: The world sees me as 5片面包2条鱼。o.O

12. What do my friends really think of me?
Shuffle says: 一首简单的歌
Comment: 真的吗?我真的看似那么简单?:)

13. Do people secretly lust after me?
Shuffle says: Love Me
Comment: They DO!!! hahahahahhaa!

14. How can I make myself happy?
Shuffle says: 眼泪成诗
Comment: 好贴切!我已经把伤口化作玫瑰。

15. What should I do with my life?
Shuffle says: 九份的咖啡店
Comment: Somebody is hinting me to go 旅行... hahaha.

16. Will I ever have children?
Shuffle says: 你是爱我的
Comment: Oh. Good. haha.

17. What is some good advice?
Shuffle says: 你记得吗?
Comment: 对啊,回想一开始的美好。I will try.

18. What do I think my current theme song is?
Shuffle says: 迦南美地
Comment: See, somebody is really hinting me to 旅行。 ^^

19. What does everyone else think about my current life?
Shuffle says: Maria.
Comment: Huh? Do i look like a maid? MARIA~ hahahahahahaha!

20. What type of men do you like?
Shuffle says: 情歌
Comment: 就像纯咖啡中,浓得化不开的忧郁?Ahhhh...

21. Will you get married?
Shuffle says: 在你身边
Comment: YAY. At least it's not 世界末日(Aya's answer..) hahahaha.

22. What should I do with my love life?
Shuffle says: 躺在你的衣柜
Comment: It's time to ambush my bf. hahahaha!

23. Where will you live?
Shuffle says: Shelter
Comment: 废话!狗窝也是shelter! -.-

24. What will your dying words be?
Shuffle says: 那些花儿
Comment: 快。。。 那些花儿。。 *喘气中* 快。。 帮它们浇水。。 *闭目*

25. When I'm having sex, I say...
Shuffle says: 会有那么一天
Comment: hahahahaha.. hmm. not too good. to the guy. hehehehe.

26. When I meet a guy for the first time I say...
Shuffle says: 如果
Comment: 真的。我会有很多如果。

27. When my parents are angry I say...
Shuffle says: 青花瓷
Comment: ya. like they understand.


yah~ said...

weii.. do u need to do cross reference to my version huh.. ahbish!!! bleh =P.. hahaha..