Monday, April 30, 2007


够恶心的吧?啊哈哈。。。 拍了觉得好不自然,表情又僵硬,我的妈。。。

这是为了拍我的眼睛,silkygirl 的 mascara, 我很喜欢!不错哦,有兴趣的朋友可以买来试一试。很便宜,不过 $9, 效果很优!至少我很喜欢啦。。。 因人而异。:)

拍我的耳朵。-.- 和我的两颗痣,我还蛮喜欢它们的。



Okay, 谢谢大家忍耐我这个自恋狂的胡乱侵袭。
Interview 我不是很喜欢。I got lost on my way and ended up getting lost inside the building too. It was only a 5 mins interview, and the place was so small! The entire office was only the size of two of my bedroom, THE MOST. And i only saw two staff, one the boss, one the lady who interviewed me. Both mummy and Dear are worried that they are crooks. haha, which i think is unlikely so, but the prospects are definitely not attractive. neither the pay, by the way. $6 per hr. And i have to change buses to reach there, bo hua right?
Next application.